Photo Credits

Rudy Balasko / Shutterstock 

Popova Valeriya / Shutterstock 

BGSmith / Shutterstock

puttsk / Shutterstock

Scandphoto / Shutterstock

Sara Winter / Shutterstock

Anderm / Shutterstock 

Filip Fuxa / Shutterstock

Varuna / Shutterstock






Les Haines, 29.12.2010,Wales

Frozen lake in Wales Snowdonia

Source: Flickr, Creative Commons

Kain Kaljun 17.04.2013, Estonia

Sun goes down

Source: Flickr, Creative Commons






William Perugini / Shutterstock

Iris van den Broek /

V Belov / Shutterstock

Grisha Bruev / Shutterstock

Petri Volanen / Shutterstock

V Belov / Shutterstock


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